Saturday, December 15, 2012

OLDIES: Koirasaari

Noniin, nyt päästään sit jo Koirasaaren pariin! Se taitaa sittenkii olla tää se eka oikee sarjis vaikka oon aina puhunu Murkkusaaresta. Varautukaa taas tosi järkyttävään käsialaan ja vinoihin viivoihin ja tapahtumarikkaisiin kuviin, jotka on kaikenlisäks taiteiltu mustekynällä (ja osa lyikkärillä, kai koulussa?) :D

/// Then it's time for Koirasaari, the Dog Island. I think this is actually the first real comic by me though I've always talked about Murkkusaari (the Ant Island). You should prepare yourselves for shocking handwriting and circuitous lines and very eventful images that are what's more drawn with a pen (few of them also with pencil, probably in the school) :D


Ei kyllä koskaan jatkunu tosta. Mut oivoi kuin siirappista, miun sieluun sattuuuuuuuuuu! :D Toi on niin perus mitä näihin miun vanhoihin sarjiksiin tulee. Tossa kans lukee jotain kehityksestä, se saattaa olla seuraavasta kahesta toi jälkimmäinen vaikka seuraava onkii näitten kahen välissä.

///How should I describe this one? Header means "The Dog Island meet the Cat Bay". The main characters are the dog family: parents and their children Riina and Eetu. Children go to school, school of cats is visiting the school of dogs. One big boy cat falls in love with a girl dog and she's terrified, his teacher bursts heart above him (wtf). At noght there's a burglar in the dogs' house, every other is terrified but Eetu thinks it's cool; polices came and got the burglar. Riina is still scared and goes to sleep with her parents. Riina is a fan of some dog singer "Chaarin". Riina has a crush on her brother's friend, Ville, a dog that uses sunglasses all the time. Ville also likes Riina though he doesn't tell it anyone. Then Riina goes with Eetu to visit Ville and turns out her idol, Chaarin, is actually Ville's mother. For Xmas Riina got a huge box from Chaarin, the box contained every stuff related to Chaarin, like clothes and jewellery. It says it continues but it didn't unless if another of the next ones is it.


Tuttu jättipoikakissa edellisestä sarjiksesta utelee siitä tyttökoirasta kehen ihastu :D

///Here's just happenings in the Cat Bay. The big boy cat is the same than in previous comic, he asks his friend if she knows this girl dog and could get her phone number - she does and gives her the number and also the address etc. The cat sends the god girl a letter that says " Hi! You're a pretty dog no matter you're a dog." :DDDD Omg this is funny!
Dog answers: "Kalle, stop writing these letters to me!"
Cat, 30th text message: "Hi, when you come here again?"
Dog: "Hello maniac. Okay we're coming there on 4th January."
The dog hopes to be sick when the day comes. The cat hopes he's NOT oing to be sick when the day somes :DDD Then the... hmm, is that dog or a cat? Says her mother they're going to visit the Dog Island/Cat Bay and her/his mother answers "you're not going there". The End. But I think it was not going to end in there.


Joo ne kehittyy näköjään tosi nopeesti ja 70:ssä vuodessa nous kävelee kahella jalalla ::'''DDD Ja Ville ei nyt kuitenkaan tykkää Riinasta wtf. Ja toi yks kissa vokottelee taas Eve-koiraa. Ja toikii jäi kesken, yllättäen.

///Hmmm they're growing really fast. In 70 years they're already walking on two legs :::'DDD Now Ville doesn't seem to like Riina, wtf, I thought he did. And again we meet our friend big cat calling the dog called Eve. This also stayed unfinished, surprise.

Seuraavista ei kyl paljon selvää saa...
///Next ones are pretty hard to read (though you couldn't anyway if you don't speak Finnish :<)

 Siis wtf? Sanompahan vaan... Inhosin muuten koulussa neulontaa ja muita käsitöitä. Ja siellä se sukunimi taas oli sensuroitava. Ja ei saakeli, hajosin tolle ku neuleet on valmiit ja sivussa lukee "HYI mikä mulla on!" :D:D:D:D

///Okay,  this is "Riina learns to knit", which I wonder 'cause I hated knitting and other stuff in the school. It seems Riina doesn't know how to knit so she asks to go to the toilet and actually he's just crying 'cause she can't knit. Others come to see why she's been there so long and see what's wrong, they and also the teacher tell her it doesn't matter and she can learn to knit now. Then it's ready (and I laughed 'cause someone says about his own: "YUCK what I got!!!" :D) and Riina thinks Ville is now going to like her 'cause she has so wonderful scarf. Ville anyway still doesn't seem to like her, and then he told's her brother to tell Riina "she's trying for nothing 'cause he's not interested of her. And that scarf is fine." :DDD

Joo olin vähän lukenu kai Pikku-Akua ku piti tehä "Pentu-Riina. Ja näkyy nimi olevan tällä kertaa optsikon vieressä ♥ Tosin tällä kertaa toi meikäläisen "sukunimi" on jotain niin hämärää huttua etten edes mie saa siitä lähellekään mitään sukunimee muistuttavaakaan, joten ei tarttennu sensuroida. EI PERRRR oli sielä sittenkii toisessakii paikkaa se nimi!!!

 ///This was probably inspired by Donald Duck comics where Donald is a child. I don't know how it should be called in English (something like Little-Donald literally) but that's why here reads Pentu-Riina: in English it's Puppy Riina. In this one it's just a visit by her poodle friend Lilli. And Riina seems to love Ville already...

 Joku random sukupuu. Ja näköjään vanhempien nimet on Harri ja Riitta.
///Their familytree.

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Helou! Kaikenlaiset kommentit piristää paljon, ku kyseessä on kuitenkii perfektionisti "taitelija", joka ei paljoa omiin kykyihin usko eikä ymmärrä osaavansa jopa jotain ku kaiken pitäs olla niin täydellistä :)
Hellooo! Every comment makes my day when I'm perfectionist "artist" who doesn't believe much in her own abilities and doesn't understand that even can something 'cause everything should be so perfect :)